Flash Fiction Magazine – Issue 1

One of my stories (“Phone Number”) was included in the 2016 anthology by Flash Fiction Magazine. The e-book was published on Mar 1st 2017 and is available both in electronic form and paperback from Amazon.com. The story is also included in the thicker paperback edition combining Issues 1-3.


Flash fiction is a term used to describe fictional work of extreme brevity. In the case of this collection, the stories range from one paragraph to three pages (up to 1000 words).

If you read it, please post an authentic review in Google (that helps us to make the book more visible to others).

Some of the reviews that mention my story:

Flash Fiction reviews

Flash Fiction Magazine – Issue 1

“Phone Number” on Flash Fiction Magazine

Phone Number is a story about a chance encounter at a traffic light becoming the trigger for re-evaluation.

It was published on Flash Fiction Magazine on October 26th, 2015.

Flash Fiction is a format that is shorter than the traditional American Short Story and attracted me because its stories often take the same structure as the Brazilian “cronicas” I grew up reading. Usually, stories are 1000 words or less (about 3 pages).

Read story at Flash Fiction Magazine


“Phone Number” on Flash Fiction Magazine

Hello World

This is my page dedicated to writing.

Reading was an early talent and passion. Writing followed as a consequence. Telling stories was not. Fiction writing is a relatively new endeavor to me. I guess the stories I collected were fermenting somewhere. But I feel it is time get them out of the bottle.

I first read and wrote in Portuguese. My early influences include the classics of Brazilian and Portuguese literature and poetry. I spent the most time reading Machado de Assis, Fernando Pessoa, Jorge Amado, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, José Saramago, Luis Fernando Veríssimo.

Later in my adulthood, I sampled a bit of global literature and read some of the classics, but not in a structured way. My favorite author is Milan Kundera.

I have taken several fiction writing workshops online and at Stanford University. My work has not been published anywhere (yet).

Hello World